Most of the time I'm "Mom" but sometimes I'm still Selena.

I was always that kid taking pictures of absolutely everything. I was gifted my first camera Christmas of 2009. When I became a mother, I started to put some work into the quality of my photos. Some friends had faith in my work before I even did and pushed me to start scheduling portraits. So glad I did because it set something on fire. I'm beyond thrilled to work with you to capture your most meaningful moments in the most authentic, candid and tender way.

What am I up to?

I spend each day driving my four children around and trying to keep up with all four kids, wrestling, friends. I'm all over the place and don't usually have much time to sit still!

Just because life with four kids wasn't intense enough... I went and fell and love with a cute boy and combined we have 8 kids.

At home I'm usually editing, gilmore girls is probably on, I most likely have a book in my hands and have a hot coffee working its way to cold right next to me on the table.

I want to run with this.

I want to run with this.

My goal is to do more than take a pretty picture, I want to create a moment with you, an experience.

As of right now, I don't specialize in any type of portraits, I just want to capture it all.

I'm based in Southern New Jersey but am willing to hop around the tri-state area to explore with you and shoot something cool.